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                                                  MAINTENANANCE FEE NOTICE 

You will receive your annual maintenance fee invoice each year, generally in early to mid-December.  It is due by January 31.  It is easy to pay by just clicking the “pay” button on the email invoice.  You may pay by credit card, Apple Pay, etc.  Watch for your invoice and please pay it promptly upon receipt to save your Association the cost and time to send reminder letters.  We appreciate your prompt payment, which helps keep your maintenance fees low.


Someone has been shooting at the property. In fact, Robbie with Outdoors Accommodations has
reported to me that the “No Trespassing” signs on the west side of the lake have bullet holes in them.

As we all know, in the covenants, ARTICLE III USE RESTRICTIONS FOR TRACTS 3.34 Firearms. The discharge of firearms in the Subdivision is strictly prohibited. So, No one is allowed to shoot on the properties. With more people living there, building, camping and making use of their land, shooting a firearm is dangerous. You don't know who might be walking or riding around. We do not need a tragedy.

Two of the lot owners have reported seeing someone shooting. One person was seen at the boat landing with a gun. The lot owner did not know which direction the person was shooting, but any direction could potentially injure someone.

The second lot owner said the gunshot was really close to the camper they were in and they heard a 4-wheeler vehicle of some kind driving away. They did not go outside their camper to see who it was.

If it is someone trespassing then the Polk County Sheriff’s Office needs to be called and notified so a trespassing notice can be issued.

If you are at the properties, or are living at the properties, and you see someone shooting a gun, please report it to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office. Do not put yourself in danger, just report it to the Sheriff’s Dept and let me know as well.


Thank you,

Lee Ann Aycock
Voluntary Property Manager
Ranches at Ranger Lake Property Owners Association, Inc.

Selling Your Lot? Estoppel Certificates Are Required


If you are selling your lot, Florida law requires you to request an estoppel certificate from your HOA prior to your sale closing. Please send your request by email to our accountants at In your request, please specify if you wish the Estoppel Certificate to be provided within the regular 10-day time period, or if you wish to have expedited service within 3 days. We will provide your certificate on our standard form.
Our fee for preparation and delivery of this Estoppel Certificate (periodically adjusted for inflation) is: $250 if requested within 10 days; plus $100 for requested expedited service of 3 days or less; plus $150 if there are any delinquent amounts due; and a maximum of $750 if multiple lots are sold by the same individual at the same closing. The fee is due from the current lot owner upon preparation of the Certificate. The invoice will be provided electronically and may be paid conveniently online


Landscape Notice 


Each Lot Owner is responsible for maintaining their individual lot landscaping such that there

shall be a 3 feet maximum grass/vegetation height on both sides of lake.


Failure of a Lot Owner to comply with these Rules & Regulations may result in fines and

attorney costs to be borne by the owner.


In the Document section of our website, you will find under POA Rules & Regulations a full

description of our Landscape Rules.

Your Association has used Robbie Elwood of Outdoor Accommodations for the common area

landscaping for several years and many Lot Owners use him as well. He has represented that he

is fully insured, which should always be a requirement for you and your Association. To

facilitate your easy compliance, Robbie has agreed to a scaled pricing for our Lot Owners based

on how many use his service. His contract meets the Association’s Rule requirements. The more

Lot Owners that use him the cheaper it is for everyone. Of course, you may use whomever you

like, and you should always do your own due diligence before hiring any contractor.

You may contact him directly for questions if you wish.





Hunting/Fishing Permission Notice:

The Association’s Landscaper has for many years assisted us, at no charge, in controlling

nuisance species in our common areas. This service is also available to Lot Owners who wish to

have this service performed on their lots.  You will find an approved Hunting/Fishing Permission

Slip in the Documents section of this website.


If you wish to use this service, please print, complete, and sign the form, and return it to Robert

Elwood at the address noted on the form.




Insurance Notice 

Website Notification re. Insurance – May 2021


For the POA:  In accordance with our Governing Documents, the POA maintains insurance for all persons who control or disburse funds, liability and officers’ and directors’ (D&O) liability insurance.  We also carry an umbrella liability insurance policy.


For Individual Lots:  We recommend lot owners to consult with your insurance agent to ensure you have adequate coverages, including umbrella liability insurance in all cases, plus for vacant land to list this land on your homeowners’ policy, and if you have a home built on the lot the usual full homeowners type coverage.


For Contractors:  The POA requires our contractors to be adequately insured.  We highly recommend that all lot owners have the same requirement for any of their contractors, as well.

Member Contact Information & Consent for Electronic Transmission




It is critically important that we always have the latest information for each member.  This will allow us to provide you with legally required notices and other important POA information.  Now and whenever your information changes, please immediately notify us.


The POA respectfully requests, ALL owners to consent to electronic transmission.  This saves the Owners and The POA volunteers’ time.  It saves The POA money.  It allows Owners to pay their POA bills online by simply clicking on the invoice link. This helps to keep your maintenance assessments low.


We highly recommend that all owners provide us with Emergency Contact Information on this form for cases of an emergency when we are unable to reach you.




We continue to experience problems with our gates and security.  Gates are being stolen or attempted to be stolen and chains being cut.  We alerted local police and they promised additional patrols.  We also installed No Trespassing signs around the perimeter of the property.  However, there is now a well-beaten trail through all the properties where people are continuing to drive vehicles around the lake. They are coming in wherever gates are missing or unlocked. Trespassers have been observed fishing.

Our covenants, require the HOA to maintain the exterior wood board fencing (Declaration 2.04 D), but not including individual gates on each tract that are the responsibility of the individual lot owner and are required to be kept in good repair.

No gates, gates not properly secured, and missing barbed wire (in those areas where there is no wooden fence) pose a liability risk to you.  Trespassers can easily access your lot. Our lake with gators increases your risk.


Some lots need attention immediately.


Your Board requests those non-complying lots to take the following actions:

  1. If you do not have a gate, please promptly have one installed.

  2. If you do not have the gate chained and locked, we request that you do that promptly.  To minimize the chance of further thefts of gates, chains, and locks, we recommend the use of a heavy-duty chain of ½ to 5/8 inches with heavy duty combination locks (e.g., Master Lock).  We recommend that you chain and lock both ends of the gate.

  3. If your gate, chain, or lock have been stolen or vandalized, please contact the local police to make a report.  Unfortunately, the POA is not allowed to make reports regarding an individual’s property.  The police information is:  Sheriff Grady Judd, Polk County, 1891 Jim Keene Blvd., Winter Haven, FL  33880-8010; Phone: 863-298-6200;

  4. To purchase and install chains and locks, our VP, Chris Aycock, has generously offered to assist you with that.  You only need to pay for the materials, and he will install them.  You may reach him at:  863-640-0290;  Of course, you may do this yourself or use whoever you wish that you trust.


For all lot owners, if you have not already done so, please provide to us now by email or US mail the combination of your gate lock(s).  We will maintain that information on the Confidential Property Owner Roster that is accessible to your Board of Directors only.  It is important that we have this information so that in cases of emergency we can access the property.


Please remedy any violations right away, and let us know by email or US Mail the actions you have taken.

November 19,2024

EASTERN TIME (Virtually) 
This is a board of directors meeting where all lot owners are welcome to participate. Please email us any items you would like added to the agenda for discussion. The Board has established regular quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors to be the third Tuesday of February, May, August, and November at 6:30 PM Eastern Time

December 10,2024


The Board has established the 2nd Tuesday in December for the Annual Member meeting at         6:30 PM Eastern Time

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